Yes. 1 evening on this boards yields more interaction that a lifetime of FailedCircus. And it's the same on other boards where similar topics are discussed.
Not because the conversation partners are necessarily better equipped or more willing to engage. No, over the years I've met some people in FS who were willing and able to engage in deeper discussions.
What makes the difference then? Me! I was the unwilling, closed minded person who thought conversations (about religious topics) should be like this:
- You tell me what you think/believe
- I show you you're wrong
- You either blindly accept my claims and can be saved, or you refute my arguments and I leave you so you can die in Armageddon.
Of course a lifetime of TMS largely contributed to that style of 'conversation'.
There is a danger however: now that I know TTAWBTS and have increased my knowledge on several topics, the fire is burning in me brighter than it ever did before: other people need to hear this! But others might not readily agree....not even after I show them how wrong they are and.....oh wait...that my Inner Jehovah's Witness showing again....need to kill that one some day ;-)